The Web3.Conference in Amsterdam

The Web3.Conference is the premier event to guide you around the fascinating world of Web3. Explore, learn, network, and gain insights into the latest trends and use cases emerging within this new internet standard. With a lineup of famous speakers, industry leaders, marketers, developers, investors, and entrepreneurs, the conference promises a day packed with insightful talks and networking.

Key topics include:

  • How Web3 projects will change the way we live
  • Web3 infrastructure: building Decentralized Autonomous Organizations 
  • Web3 NFT use cases for business
  • Will Web3 make or break social media?
  • The role of the metaverse + gaming in the new Web3 reality 
  • How to invest in Web3
  • AI’s role in shaping the future of Web3

Web3 is a hot topic today because it represents the next generation of the internet in which decentralization, privacy, and user empowerment are at the forefront. Web3 represents a significant shift in the way we think about and use the internet, and its potential for innovation and disruption has captured the attention of investors, developers, and entrepreneurs.

TheWeb3.Conference opens its doors on May 19 in the vibrant city of Amsterdam. It’s rich in culture, with numerous museums, galleries, theaters and events. But that’s not all: during your time in Amsterdam, you’ll get to experience amazing side events and an unforgettable afterparty just for the guests of TheWeb3.Conference.

Web3 builders, investors, marketers, creators, developers, CEOs, and numerous NFT projects will be there to share their knowledge and offer unique opportunities for further growth. The event will offer much more than just networking: it will leave you feeling inspired and motivated, through mixing with individuals and companies who share your passion for Web3.

The organizers of this event, AroundB, have already held several events in Amsterdam. These include The Conference.Exchanges: How to DEX in 2022, which was held in the charming Vondel Church, done up in a Gothic revival style, and The Conference.Exchanges: DeFi Edition. Both events had tremendous success and were entirely sold out. The upcoming The Web3.Conference promises to repeat this feat on an even grander scale.

Would you like to collaborate and support the event? AroundB has plenty of options for sponsors and partners. If you have expertise to share, you can submit your candidacy for a speaker slot.

Contact AroundB to receive a sponsorship deck and discuss further opportunities: 

Let’s shape the Web3 future together!

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